May 30, 2007


We are going to Virginia City, Montana today! It is an active ghost town. We love ghost towns and there are lots in Montana. I will bring back some photos. The main reason we are going is that my son loves trains and we get to ride one there! All the way from Virginia City to Nevada City. AND at Nevada City there is an operating NICKELODEON! Even the kind that you look into and if flips cards to show you the morality tale of a sailor on leave in a cat house.

What Montana ghost town would be complete without a museum of curiosities? Virginia City buried a group called "Henry Plummer and the Road Agents" on boot hill. To prove it was the famous group they dug them up a few years later to retrieve "Club-Foot George's" identifying feature. So that feature is mummified on a shelf in a museum. It is right next to the plaque about finding dead mummified cats under houses because the Chinese thought it was good luck.

I love little known facts like that. And I love little museums in little towns.

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